WebSDR logbook - note that entries can be made by anyone so correctness is not guaranteed -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date UTC freq call comments dxcc country heard by -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20250202 12:38 7203.109 K4FNY K United States ::ffff: 20250202 12:46 7185.21 AK3G K United States ::ffff: 20250203 04:31 7027.969 ZS1CF N0Z 7028 ::ffff: 20250204 04:42 7026.938 K8IIJ 7026 K United States ::ffff: 20250204 04:53 7034.906 WB6ZZY AA0 7034 ::ffff: 20250206 13:37 1863 Gary KD7EQ Hola ::ffff: 20250206 15:26 7185.5 W7CPT K United States ::ffff: 20250209 04:18 7070.872 AI5BE K United States KC5SLT 20250209 12:21 5000 WWV Curiosity from the UK ::ffff: 20250210 15:40 7272 KE7RTV K United States ::ffff: 20250210 17:39 7250 WA6VES Gordo Net, early check in. Thank K United States WB6AAJ 20250211 02:28 7185 KC4TUA K United States ::ffff: 20250211 02:29 7185 WW7GBA K United States ::ffff: 20250212 01:37 7275 KC5IOA K United States ::ffff: 20250212 15:19 7185.5 W7CPT K United States ::ffff: 20250215 07:05 3978 k6wrj interesting conversation K United States ::ffff: 20250215 11:02 1160 KSL super clear & crisp as an apple ::ffff: 20250215 15:39 7185.5 WB6NPM K United States ::ffff: 20250216 18:15 7200 K7EGA FROM TWIN FALLS, ID K United States ::ffff: 20250217 07:17 7176.515 DK7LG DL Germany ::ffff: